This article is the second & conclusion of a two-part series. To see the first part please click here.

Welcome back.

Yes, it's been a while. But I'm glad to be back, and have you here. Hope it's not too late to say that you're having a great new year (though we're entering Valentine's Day territory)!

Last time, we explored ten bolderiences (reminder: bold experiences) that I believe are life defining or mind-provoking in one shape or another. Now that I am a few days in of me turning twenty, let's finish off this list!

The previous article was focused around lifestyle and personal bolderiences, but this one is tailored around interesting and unforgettable experiences. I cordially invite you, whether you're under or over twenty years old, to sit back and explore with me some more experiences that have made defining impacts on my life.

Event Bolderiences.

11. Watch a Broadway Production (or an equivalent).

This has been on my bucket list for such a long time, and I am so fortunate that I was able to cross it off through a work trip to New York, last summer. With the growth of new media platforms and the way we consume entertainment, it's always a good thing to revisit classics that have shaped our era.

Wasn't allowed to take any pictures in the theatre, so enjoy the magnificent ornaments around!

Wasn't allowed to take any pictures in the theatre, so enjoy the magnificent ornaments around!

I spent a night watching the classic Disney's Lion King. I kid you not; it was a magical, breathtaking, and certainly bold experience. Even if you can't make the trip out to New York (and hopefully Trump didn't have a part to do with that), go to your local theatres and support great productions. These artists work really hard to achieve that perfection we see on stage, and its great to support low and high productions. 

12. Attend a Fashion Show.

This past month I got to attend an excellent fashion show organized by the Schulich Charity Association titled #SCFW 2017. It was a lot of fun seeing friends and their families celebrate modern fashion, all backed by an amazing cause for Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Fun fact: I modelled in a Fashion Show when I was in Grade 8!Photo Creds to Richard.

Fun fact: I modelled in a Fashion Show when I was in Grade 8!

Photo Creds to Richard.

Seeing everyone dressing their best and friends strutting the runway, was certainly memorable. It's one of those experiences you won't get to do everyday, and you also get to reflect on the value of looking your best.

13. Enjoy a Non-Mainstream Concert.

Late last year I attended a  concert. In case you don't know who she is (which you might not), she did the vocals for Major Lazer's hit: Lean On, and the other vocal for Cold Water with Justin Bieber. This was one of those relatively inexpensive concerts, that I just hit my friends up with and we just went.

We were pleasantly surprised, she was very talented and had very fun songs. Given that this wasn't our style of music we were used to, we had an enjoyable night. 

Yes, you're seeing this correctly. She got off stage, walked through a crowd of fans and stood on top of a bar to deliver a song!

Yes, you're seeing this correctly. She got off stage, walked through a crowd of fans and stood on top of a bar to deliver a song!

Musicians, especially in this day and age, are working really hard to stand out and differentiate themselves. I'm sure you can tell that that is the nature of artists starting out. Chances are if you attend one of these lower-key artists, you will be in for an amazing show because of all the blood, sweat and tears put in.  is achieving really great success right now, but at the time of the concert, she was still emerging, so I was fortunate enough to have an amazing show.

14. Climb the CN Tower (or a very tall structure).

This is certainly one of the most physically-straining, but amazingly rewarding bolderience on this list. I am glad I got to do this before I turned 20. This activity itself was something my parents didn't approve of (because they feared I'd pass out) when I was a child.

You get to do these kind of extreme challenges by raising money for charity, and climb the 1,776 steps of one of the world's tallest buildings. This bolderience was something I've never imagined myself doing and really tested my physical capabilities. Many times throughout the experience, I wanted to stop or slow my pace. But seeing the people ahead of me cheering you on, keeps you going! Creating a sense of community with random strangers is truly thought-provoking and something that continues to shape my life.

Pictured (I'm in the bottom left) with the YorkU climbers celebrating our completion. You bet we went to Cora's for a hearty carb-filled Brunch after!

Pictured (I'm in the bottom left) with the YorkU climbers celebrating our completion. You bet we went to Cora's for a hearty carb-filled Brunch after!

Fast forward, my time to beat is 18 minutes and 33 seconds (for a first-timer with no prior training, I consider it extremely impressive)! Let me know if you beat me, and I'll be back.

Media Bolderiences.

15. Playlist your Life.

As you get to know me, you'll probably learn that I'm an avid Spotify fan. This bolderience is revolved around tasking your life through the help of Spotify. Making playlists around your life have existed for a long time since the iTunes Playlist days, but Spotify takes it to a next level. There are features tailored around the music you listen to and recommending similar new music to add to that playlist.

Furthermore, there are playlists curated to common life tasks such as working out and studying, so there's something for everyone! The neat thing (in my opinion) is that it starts organizing your life a little bit. You can associate music with tasks and start getting it done faster or more efficiently. I know I dedicated certain playlists to studying while others to enter a creative space.

The main reason people want to pay for Spotify is really portability. People are saying, ‘I want to have my music with me.
— Daniel Ek, Co-Founder and CEO of Spotify

In fact, as I'm writing this, I have a playlist to fuel my writing juices. It also keeps you excited about your day-to-day tasks. If you're like me and enjoy listening to music, varying your music mediums from different tasks is extremely exciting and empowering! 

16. Add a twist to your audio experiences.

Here's another bolderience that shaped some interesting elements of my life. Traditionally, I listened to one genre of music or one type of audio. Recently, a friend of mine introduced the world of Tropical House and I discovered artists such as Kygo and Lost Frequencies. The point here is that it keeps life extremely interesting with constant adjustments and helps you find different wavelengths for you to enjoy audio experiences.

It can be transitioning Rock to Classical, or listening to the Radio to listening to Podcasts. I invite you to add adjustments, step outside your comfort zone and explore different audio types. You'll really surprise yourself!

17. Start Wirelessly Connecting & Automating Your Life.

Consumer technology is evolving at a pace, that is simply unimaginable. The emergence of wireless is starting to be an expectation rather than a luxury. I think it's time we start adapting to it. I've started using wireless Bluetooth earphones and headphones, and believe me I never looked back. (Tangled earphones is one of the most irritating things I have ever faced!)

There are really neat ways we can use the Internet and our devices to power what's around us!

There are really neat ways we can use the Internet and our devices to power what's around us!

The point here is that things like wireless charging (of smartphones) or Virtual Reality (VR) are aimed to make our lives efficient and faster. Some may argue that it makes us more lazy, but it also gives us time to do more important things. Imagine being able to use a Google Cardboard VR Viewer to view a potential apartment you are interested in, without visiting it, or using your smartphone to access something on your laptop that you left at home. The bold experience is being open and able to technological change and leverage it to enhance your lifestyle. Technology is evolving so fast, and it's only fair that we evolve with it.


18. Go on an impromptu road trip.

This actually happened very recently. I just finished a class, and one of my friends was at school and told me they'd be driving up to Niagara-on-the-Lake for a volunteer opportunity. Suddenly another one of my friends come by, and she said she's tagging along, as well. That day I decided I was going to go the gym, but what ended up happening with their excellent persuasion skills, I went on the least planned road trip of my life and I never looked back.

Jamming out to old chart-toppers and karaoke tracks was one part of a random road trip that you won't miss! Another being, just enjoying each other's companies. In a constantly connected world, requiring us to be on our smartphones for over 50% of the day, being able to sit back and celebrating each other is truly bold. Needless to say, I am now a volunteer for this opportunity, as a result of this trip. 

19. Have defining conversations.

Recently, I touched base with a good friend of mine. This friend is someone I consider to constantly challenge the norm and pave her own path to success. Every conversation I have with them is meaningful. 

Continue having defining conversations with the people around you.

Continue having defining conversations with the people around you.

A defining conversation I have had with her, was discussing how our goals start falsely getting fulfilled, when we talk about them. Regardless of whether you agree or not with this theory, what I want to bring attention to, are the effects I had after. A meaningful conversation with immense depth, makes all the difference in defining you and the people around you. So take a moment with your loved ones, and try to challenge societal norms and see what implications it has afterwards. I can definitely confirm that they are bold and defining. 

20. Be there for someone (and they don't have be there for you).

It's almost common sense to help friends through their darkest days. What if I told you doing it for complete strangers or acquaintances was a bold experience? Well, I've gone through this multiple times. In the nature of business school, I have seen my fair share of people that transitioned through stress, mental issues, and life tragedies relating to many aspects of life and society.

We're all human beings, be there for each other; through the highs and the lows.

We're all human beings, be there for each other; through the highs and the lows.

The defining step that I took was to be that person there, for people, friends and acquiantances in need of companionship. Most people will evaluate it as as transactional piece, as in: 'I am there for them, therefore they owe me.'

The approach I took is quite the opposite. These people are in need, in need of a shoulder to cry on, in need of an ear to hear them out, in need of encouragement and comfort words. I've made myself into that agent for people, and I invite you to do the same. Adding that level of impact to someone is just an unreal feeling and will empower yourself and the people around you.

BONUS! Start a blog.

This is like 'blog-ception' right now! This article is the birth of my own blog and hopefully yours, too! I can say that it is a great experience to share your thoughts and also be a part of a journey of constant self-development. Even if it isn't a blog website persay, you can still publish your own written content. I know people that use Twitter and Facebook to share their written thoughts. The key is to create content people will subscribe to, and follow. 

I assure you that this medium is a way to track your progress and simply just have a blast being able to share your mind with the world. The support from friends and family you get when you drop an amazing read from your blog, is an untradeable feeling.

Promoting your content on your own social media such as Instagram Stories is certainly a productive way to use social media! 

Promoting your content on your own social media such as Instagram Stories is certainly a productive way to use social media! 


We've reached the end! For those who subscribed to and followed this two-part series, thank you so much for being one of the first followers in my evolving journey in adulthood and continuing to make bold experiences. 

I invite you to continue to challenge your norms and life to create your own bolderiences and shape yourself. Pleasantly surprising yourself is one of life's greatest treasures.



- TA